Riding the wave

Rhys feels emotions deeply at times. Today was one of those days. He and his older brother were trading spars about each other’s abilities at playing computer games. Finn pushed Rhys aside, signaling he had had enough, and Rhys was extremely upset by this. He cried and yelled. Finn explained to me that Rhys kept telling him he was bad at a certain game, and that hurt his feelings. All Rhys could do was cry. I could see he was wrestling with feeling mad, ashamed, and sad all at once.

I tried to hug him, console him, and just sit with him. He really wanted none of those things. Instead he lay under a pile of covers in bed. I sat next to him and told him I could see how hurt he was, and how feeling misunderstood feels bad. I told him I feel like no one understands me at times, and that makes me feel sad. He sat under the covers quietly, maybe contemplating what I said. Or probably just enjoying the moment to let his mind wander without input from his brothers.

And soon after the two were back, play fighting with swords, joyous laughter trailing after them down the hall. Rhys’ ability to forgive and move on is inspiring.

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