
When I am in tune with my family and myself, I notice all the little changes that have always been happening, but now I am more aware. Once in awhile a big change comes, seemingly out of nowhere, but my kids have been working and learning along the way, although this may not have been obvious to me. And then poof! Out of my child’s mouth comes some knowing wisdom, leaving me both speechless and so happy to be there to witness these changes.

Tonight, after my littlest was asleep, I came into my orders’ bedroom to hang with them. When I came in Seven said: “mommy, maybe during my free time in the day I can make YouTube videos, or spend time with you.”. I was like yes, I love it! He proceeded: “I’ve just been really tired and I need to get to sleep, and I know you like spending time with me, so I’m like yeah! But then we stay up and I just don’t fall asleep until it’s way later. I need to sleep now.” (The nights I come in we do stay up later, and eventually his dad comes in and he falls asleep then. He feels safer with dad after watching scary Halloween videos). So we called his dad back in and the four of us snuggled until the boys fell asleep.

He came up with a solution to a thing that was no longer working for him, and he recognized my feelings, but also needed to take care of his needs. And he recognized his tiredness! These are the real life skills I can only hope he is learning through making his own choices and being treated with respect. All those times I respectfully acknowledged his feelings, or communicated my needs clearly, he had been paying attention and learning, whether I realized it or not! I love watching their growth in real time.

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